bus is near the stop
Route's length: 38 km.
Travel time: 99 min.
Serves: Hermes

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Direction 1Direction 2
1 on the route1 on the route

Apeldoorn, Station G
Apeldoorn, Welgelegenbrug
Apeldoorn, Glazeniershorst
Apeldoorn, Imkersdreef
Apeldoorn, Kooikersdreef
Apeldoorn, Ferguutgaarde
Apeldoorn, De Heemgaard
Apeldoorn, Landdrostlaan
Arnhem, Golflinks
Arnhem, Moscowa
Arnhem, De Braamberg
Arnhem, Sonsbeek
Arnhem, Willemsplein
Arnhem, Centraal Station
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Arnhem, Centraal Station
Arnhem, Willemsplein
Arnhem, Sonsbeek
Arnhem, De Braamberg
Arnhem, Moscowa
Arnhem, Golflinks
Apeldoorn, Landdrostlaan
Apeldoorn, Eglantierlaan
Apeldoorn, De Heemgaard
Apeldoorn, Ferguutgaarde
Apeldoorn, Kooikersdreef
Apeldoorn, Imkersdreef
Apeldoorn, Glazeniershorst
Apeldoorn, Welgelegenbrug
Apeldoorn, Station B
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